City of Naperville, IL


Utility Name:  City of Naperville

Address:  1200 W. Ogden Ave

City: Naperville

State or Province: IL

Zip: 60563

Country: United States

EPA Region:  Region 5


System type: Government Utility/Public Works

Service area population:  Range 3 – 100,000-249,999

Miles of public sanitary sewer:  501 – 1,500 miles

Percentage of system combined:  None

Basements typical in area: Yes

If basements typical, are clear water and/or sanitary sump pumps typical in service area:  Both

Portion of sanitary lateral that is publicly owned and maintained: Pipe from ROW line to connection with the main

Homeowner is responsible for maintaining the service lateral from the home to the main line connection. Structural the City of Naperville is responsible for the ROW and Homeowner is responsible for private property.

Cleanouts required on the sanitary lateral between main and structure: Yes